How One Brisbane Couple Put Their Money Where Their Mouth Is!

For my final subject at college, I had to choose out of three briefs and use Graphic Design to help solve a problem. The project brief I picked was raising awareness of Homelessness in Australia via the “Here for Good” campaign by Torren Universities Australia.

After doing substantial research on the subject, I found out some shocking facts. Here’s a small list:

  • on average, 1 in 200 Australians are homeless
  • in NT, that number is 15 times worse (1 in 13 Australians)
  • the number 1 reason for homelessness is domestic and family violence
  • the number 2 reason for homelessness is financial difficulties
  • 59% of homeless Australians are under 35 years old
  • 17% of homeless Australians are under 12 years old
  • the greatest need that homeless people have is foot-wear and foot-care

While flipping through the news this week, I noticed an article titled, “Power couple make $750,000 investment to fight homelessness“.

It is so good to see people using what they have to help those who are less fortunate and that doesn’t always have to be through money. Your profession, your skills, your time, and your care could go a long way.

There are a couple of foundations that strike a cord with me and I hope to be able to do more for them.

Are there some charities or foundations that you sponsor and help out with? Share them in the comments below.

* Feature Image fromĀ